Friday 31 October 2008

He broke my heart with a text sent to my best friend

It all started off when I was in 4th grade, Danny had just moved here. He sat next to me all year, and each week i liked him even more.

The years pasted by, and we ended up in 7th grade. Danny and I were as close as ever, until one day. I finally got the courage to ask Danny out, but when I saw him, I waved. He looked away quickly. I found it strange, so i walked up to him to see what was wrong. "Go away," was all he said. I didn't know what to do next, so i walked away like he told me to.

The rest of the week, Danny continued to ignore me. He looked so embarrassed when he saw me. So one day I decided to talk to him, whether he liked it or not. When he saw me coming his way, he ran for it, but he dropped his cell in the process. I picked up his cell, and i noticed that he received a new text message. I looked at it, and i was heart broken when i read the conversation. It was between him and my best friend. It said~

Him-I can't tell her

Her-She can get over it

Him- No she won't, i know she likes me

Her- good point... so maybe she wont like it if we kissed...

Him- I feel bad, I liked her too.. but then u kissed me

Her- Then we can date secretly.

Him- good... I g2g luv u..

Her- i luv u too

It broke my heart. They kissed! I dropped the phone and burst into tears. I kept staring at the phone. Suddenly a hand picked it up, and i looked up. Danny was standing there, holding hands with my so called best friend....

Thursday 30 October 2008

How much I love her

There's 3 of us in this love story. The love of my life (female), one of my dearest friends (male) and me (female).

The love of my We became friends a few years ago. We started meeting up more and more because we have so much in common, so at first, when I started having feelings for her, I thought it was just a result of being able to connect with someone so well. But now, when I think of life without her, my heart aches and my head throbs. Even as I am writing this the tears are streaming down my face. Why? She's still alive and we never broke up...because we aren't together and we probably never will be.

About a year ago I nearly lost a dear friend because he developed feelings for me that I couldn't return. We've only just started meeting up again and last week, 'she' came too. They both bonded and they've started meeting up more. The deal is they went out for a short time a few years ago and they're beginning to rekindle their old feelings.

I am Bi, and so is she (though she's very closeted) but I can tell by the way she acts around me that she only sees me as a friend and I can't risk telling her about my feelings because...look what happened to me and my other friend. We can say it won't be awkward between us but that's easier said than done.

I can see her slipping away to be with another person and hearing her talk about him...and him about killing me. Not in a literal sense...I would never take it that far, simply because I want to be around her as much as possible, even if we are only friends, but even so.

I love her, so, SO much. I already know that I would die for her. I want to protect her and give her everything she wants, because I know I can. She's the kind of girl who wants to be told how much she is loved, to be told she is beautiful even when she's just got out of bed and her hair is a mess, even when she is ill and has snot running down her lip. She wants a romantic and passionate relationship with stability that she can rely on no matter what. I can give her all of that and more. If only she could return my feelings.

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Because I ruin everything

This is the story of the most amazing boy on earth. His name is John.


John and I met near the end of 7th grade. He had 3 classes with me, but I had never really noticed him. We started emailing each other, and passing notes in history. At the time, I liked someone named Mitch, who I had liked all year. John was going out with one of my close friends (but it was their first relationship, so nothing happened, not even kissing). Now, I have some weird sympathy gene in me, and when he looked sad one day during history, I tried to find out what was wrong.

That night, I talked to him, and he said he was having second thoughts about his relationship. Through much persuasion, i got him to tell me that he liked me, a lot. Soon after, the guy I had liked all year asked me out. I said yes, obviously. Then, my friend found out John liked me, and they broke up. I would feel mood swings about moment I'd hate him form making so many people hate me, and the next I'd feel really bad for him about liking me.


I didn't here from Mitch the entire summer. He was my first boyfriend ever, and nothing had happened, NOT EVEN HUGGING. We were still together in theory. John, on the other hand, talked to me every day over the computer. He was open to me about his feelings and how sad he was that I didn't like him, and was patient when I ranted about Mitch.


I started liking multiple people, Mitch and John being two of them. I narrowed it down to just John. I ended up breaking up with Mitch, and getting with John. We didn't tell anyone about us untill about a month later, when we told our best friend, Sarah, who we told to tell everyone else, whcih she did. The first 3 months were BLISS. I loved him, he loved me. Of course it was too good to last...


Peer pressure. A lot of people didn't like John. They never got to see the side of him I saw. They were mean to me about him. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke up with him. He was really hurt by it, and I missed him worse than anythiung. Not only did he feel like a boyfriend to me, but also a best friend. I got back together with him 3 days later. More bliss. Or not. I broke up with him 7 times, never staying away for more than a week. This lasted through 7 months.


Finally, I was sick of everything. I broke up with him the 7th and final time. 2 weeks later, I already had a new boyfriend (John loveing me gave me confidence, which made me start flirting with every guy in my school, even when i was still dating him.) I liked my new boyfriend, but started liking John again halfway through. But John liked me for a month after the final time, and was jealous. Finally, a girl he had liked all through 7th grade untill my friend started liking him. They got together.


I dated 6 guys. None were really serious, and the longest one only lasted a month. I only kissed 2 of them. Remember Mitch? He was one of the six, and I thoght dating him again would awaken my old feelings for him. It didn't. I felt nothing for anybody for all of August. I was numb, and I didn't like it. John and his girlfriend broke up.


My numbness ended, and, of course, instead of liking Mitch like I thought I would, it was John who I loved. Loved, yes. I fell in love with John. Thats where I am now. I think about him every second of every day, but in a different way-just about spending time with him. I know that if I spent just one day with him it could rekindle his old feelings. The problem is, we are in different schools now.  We talk on the computer. He likes his ex again, the one he broke up with over the summer. She doesnt like him, though.  I'm so in love with him, and I don't know what to do. You may be thinking I'm too young to know what love is, and that I should just get over this "crush" and move on. But it's not a crush, and I know I will always love him. Forever.

Tuesday 28 October 2008


My name is Clueless, and his name is Game

I met him in the second grade. I hated him more than anything...

He called me names, picked on me, laughed at me

I went through this for many many years.

He was the cool kid, the kid everyone wanted to date, the kid who everyone wanted to be friends with.

he has always been like that for all of his 14 years that he has been living.

One day he randomly asked me out in the fourth grade?

Before that I never spoke to Game, not once?

Of course being desperate I said yes !

It was a cheesy relationship hold hands, kiss on the cheek,

tacky 4th grade stuff..

we didn't date for long, I'd guess about two-three weeks ?

right after we broke up, I was back in the victom mode,

I was his red flag

and he was my bull,

he picked on me when ever he had the chance to,

this went on up until the 6th grade. thank god, Game moved across town.

seventh grade i began to be more social now that I was no longer a victom of being bullied through out my elementary years,

Games best friend was...lets call him Molsen,

Molsen came in the middle of the sixth grade

december 12th to be exact,

he was Games best friend....bad for me.

Molsen starting making fun of me to,

my luck eh?

So yeah,

then game left school,

Molsen began to leave me alone?

which was an upside towards me because i became very social and friendly with many people, i made many friends now that game and molsen had left me alone.

Eventually molsen and I had the same friends, so he gave me a chance, we became the best of friends,

latterly.we were so close...

So, molsen being my best friend he talked to Game and told him I had changed and I am a very good friend,

So for the first time since the fourth grade I went to hang out with Game,

Guess what?

We became Best friends,

we hung out almost everyday from the seventh grade and on...

We did everything together,


we were so close,

all i ever did was talk about how great of a friend he was to me and he would do the same..

we went to weddings together



he carried me home when i broke my ankel

I remember we use to talk on msn from like 8am till 6am...

it was great nothing was in our way...

I had told him everything and he told me everything...

sad thing was

I have had a big crush on him since the fourth grade I guess when we dated i grew to liking him..then on it hasn't faded...i had had a crush on him for three years. though i rarely saw him for two. i still liked him a lot?

it was weird?

he had a girlfriend...I respected that and stayed out of the way.

there fore..

i never told him I liked him.

I kept it a secret..

we became best friends in the seventh grade till the ninth grade..beginning of high  school...

it was great..really. i was happy I was his best friend, at times i would get jealous of him and his girlfriend..

I got over it.

Si through out those three years of being best friends, at one point me and him actually "kissed" just to see if there was an actual spark?

It was a one time thing.. I never told Game how i felt and he never said anything to me either, we just never spoke of that night.

SI grade nine...i started school and so did he

we went to different high schools Meaning i new he would meet new people and we would fade..thank god i was wrong...

That year my mom put my house up for sale...

he came over kicked the for sale sign, and tried to trash my house.

My house sold...

i was so heartbroken..

I ran to him...bawling he held me all night

he promised me he wold be my best friend forever That night i wrote hi a letter confessing my feelings for him

I gave it to him the next day, he sheded a tear on the left side of his cheek

I started crying my hardest he held tight as he could  we said our goodbyes..we gave eachother a million huggs I movd across the country, and he stayed in the pitts of ontario

I am going to visit in the summer...this story is not over I dont think it ever will be

My name is Clueless.

his name was Game

I loved him. Still do

Sunday 26 October 2008

Playful , But True

I'm 17 years old ... i met him when i was in 6th grade and i hated him... he was a jerk to me all the time... so i never really talked to him.... in eighth grade we had all but 2 classes together and he was still annoying and mean but i would talk to him... After talking to him for about a month i realized that he wasn't a bad guy so i decided to be his friend... we would do stupid childish things like slap each other in the halls.... i would have never guessed that he liked me until one day when i was hurt and on crutches he carried my books to all my classes and was just so sweet to me that whole day... i realized i liked him more then a friend because that showed me that he could really be a sweet guy (if he wanted to)... so i flirted and hinted for about a week but he never made his move... so on the last day of school before we all became big time high school student i told him that i liked him ... i waited for him to make a move all day but he never did... i felt like an idiot and told myself that i would forget about it during summer but all i did was think about him and i ended falling in love with him even though he wasn't around...9th grade came around and i saw him again ... i decided to play off like nothing happened and just be friends with him... but my friend alyssa just couldn't have that she kept trying to get him to ask me out.... one day i got a note from him which surprised me because that had never happened before.... it read Jamie i don't care anymore! im just gonna come out and say it I've always loved you even when you hated me... just seeing you brightens my day even ...when im not with you im thinking about you and its driving me nuts. i wanted to ask you out so bad that day you told me you liked me but i couldn't... my parents don't want me dating until im 16... i don't know if i could live with out having you in my life for one more day...please tell me that im not a fool that you love me just as much!! will you go out with me and make me the happiest guy in the world!!! well of course i said YES! and we have been through some hard times but i have loved every minute of it!!We have been together for almost three years and nothing will tare us apart. He was my first love and i Know he will be my last

My name is Jamie and Im in love with Josh!

Saturday 25 October 2008

What i would say to him if i was strong enough. UK and USA

I remember the times we first used to speak online you fascinated me right from the begining....and the firt time you said i was beautiful. it made me tingle

we quikcly became really close and i was happy that you were my friend..... but when we made if official that we were together i found it hard to believe that someone so amazing as you could ever want someone like me.

And we went on to have so many happy, funny exciting, butterflys in tummy moments and memories togther online.

i remember one day we were slow dancing (imvu). You said to me i think im a bit young to say this but i never let myself get close to a girl like this, but i think your my soulmate. your awsome... i told you its crazy but i felt the same way you make my life better and i want to be with you forever. it didnt matter that we were only online for now because what we had was real and aslong as we did have eachother everything would be ok.

Everything was perfect but now im so angry at you for playing that football game you know you shouldnt have been playing so all those promises you made me and all them memories and all them feelings you had for me have evapourated from your memory. Why did you have to loose your memory!!

If it wasnt for your cousin you wouldnt have even known i exist now and i am thankful that you still talk to me even thow i must have seemed like a stranger to you. i saw you on webcam for the first time the other day, and it felt so wierd looking at you knowing so much about you but you knowing hardly anything about me.

It hurts knowing things are never going to be the same. I feel alone and unsafe. You were the only one that saved me. When i told you about that i feeling i got about the sinking sand and you were there with your hand, and for the first time i felt ground. well now it feels like someone has pushed me back in and im sinking faster than ever.

And your going to be with another girl now i know this will happen. i think its the thing that hurts the most. Of course i want you to be happy and love. but if only you knew how much i want you need you and love you would it make our 'friendship'in your eyes better or worse? So when you said you loved me and i was your angel they are just words now....

I wish you the best. You'll make it to the top i know you will, i believe in you. You are amazing. ok well i gess i'll talk to you online later you'll think 'oh its my online friend from the UK' and if i see your name pop up i'll think 'its the only boy that has control of my heart,quickly put the frount on that your ok'

Friday 24 October 2008

And all that jazz

its freshman year for me. its junior year for him. he came up to me on my first day of school with his guitar in his hand and my boyfriend at the time at my side. we were sitting down and he started to play your beautiful to me. i listened and i immediately felt something between us. we never saw each other outside of our only class we had together. me, playing clarinet, and him playing guitar, in jazz band. i was so bad at playing the clarinet and i thought for sure he would never want to have anything to do with me. i never really felt that pretty, or that i had a chance with anyone like him. after that class, it was time to go home. i was standing in the front of the school waiting for a ride home when he came up behind me and covered my eyes until i guessed his name. up until then i never really knew it. i turned around, "i never found out your name, wanna tell me?" he uncovered my eyes and looked at me, with his big brown eyes,and told me his name he knew my name by then, he was paying more attention to me than i thought. he asked me for my number and i gave it to him. i can remember the first time he called me. we were playing phone tag until i finally caught him. we talked for hours, him playing songs for me through the phone and me talking about books that i had been reading. we automatically had a friendship. i was the happiest ever! my boyfriend had broken up with me a couple days before johnny called me. he made me feel better, he comforted me about it. the next day i didn't see him other than in jazz band. he called me again that night, we were talking as usual but this time he started playing a song i had never heard him play before, it was a song he had written for me. i was so happy and excited and he could tell over the phone. he then asked me who i liked and i said well isn't it obvious? i thought at that moment that it would be the last time i would call myself single in a while, but that quickly changed. he said, "well i have an idea" i said well you are probably right and then he said, "well i want you to know i have a girlfriend." i felt so heartbroken because i thought we had something, even with our age difference and even though we had only known each other a couple of weeks. That night i went to bed with a single tear going down my cheek. the next day he sat with me at lunch and we began to talk as though we had never had that conversation about his girlfriend. he began to have problems with his girlfriend and he was coming to me about them. i would let him talk and i would always be there for him. we eventually got to talking about kissing and well some other stuff. i would always remind him that i am a freshman before he got carried away. he would always complement me, and call me beautiful and he made me feel good about myself. we talked about going to the movies and i agreed. he told me he was on a temporary break up with his girlfriend. we had our moments during the movie, some very special and memorable for me. and i hoped that after the movie, he would stay broken up with his girlfriend and come to me. that didnt work out the way i hoped. he still talked to me and he went back to his girlfriend...all problems solved. thanks to me. now i can see him everywhere i go, he is always either kissing or on top of her. he is starting to have problems again with her again. he hasn't come to talk to me about it. but i have a feeling it is about me. he tells my friend how sally is never there for him and how i always am there for him. he calls me his friends with benefits but i dont want to be that. i saw him talking to his girlfriend the other day. i passed by and waved, i saw the sad look on both of there faces and could tell that it was serious what they were talking about. i said hi and he sort of smiled and waved back, but was late to class, i think he was talking to her. i am so confused, everyone says i need to get over him, but i dont want to. i want to be with him, even though he hurt me. what do i do?